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Innovation Consortia


Stronger together: building innovation consortia in Liverpool City Region

Our region is recognised for world-leading research and innovation in health and life sciences, materials and AI.

A number of open innovation platforms and facilities have coalesced around distinctive assets in these sectors which have attracted private and public investment and generated significant economic and social impact.

Our aim is to emulate this for new and emerging opportunity areas which can help contribute to Liverpool City Region’s R&D target of 5% GVA by 2030

Our role

We engage with Liverpool City Region’s Innovation Board, industry and academic leaders drawn from diverse organisations to identify and unlock transformational opportunities through collaborative working.
Current consortia focus areas include microbiome, biotechnology and health innovation for inclusive growth.
By developing consortia  we help grow the region’s knowledge economy, assets and capabilities by attracting funding and investment to stimulate greater innovation activity for the benefit of society. 

 Exploring LCR Consortia Opportunities

Collaborating with a broad range of stakeholders

We work with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Multinational Corporations (MNCs), SMEs, public bodies, NHS trusts, science parks, business incubators, and research and technology organisations (RTOs), to identify and build consortia.

We have also signed an innovation partnership with the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) to supercharge innovation collaboration in Liverpool and the North West. 

CPI Spine Liverpool 160524 004

Interested in supporting new consortia opportunities?

Strong consortia can help Liverpool City Region become a beacon for open innovation which combines economic development with social impact.

LYVA Labs is looking to connect with businesses, industry, academia, SMEs, and RTOs, in the life science and technology sectors to form expert consortia to scale up products, services, research, and development. 

In the next year, LYVA Labs will explore consortia opportunities in advanced manufacturing, hydrogen, smart cities, maritime, and quantum computing.

Accelerating the translation and commercialisation of research into new products and services in the region will support communities through economic growth, job creation and reduced inequalities.

Get in touch

We would like to hear from you if you are interested in being part of a consortium in any of the areas mentioned above. Contact our team by filling out this form.